China Moon Movie 123Movies 1080p Without Downloading Streaming Online
Movie Description
Title: China Moon- Released: 1994-03-04
- Genre: Mystery, Thriller
- Date: 1994-03-04
- Runtime: 99 Minutes
- Company: Orion Pictures
- Language: English
- Budget: $15,000,000
- Revenue: $3,038,499
- Plot Keyword : Mystery, Thriller
- Homepage:
- Trailer: Watch Trailer
- Director: Barrie M. Osborne, John Bailey, George Fenton, Elizabeth McBride, Carol Littleton, Jill Savitt, Vicki Graef, Willy Kurant, Roy Carlson, Roy Carlson
Storyline China Moon (1994):
Detective Kyle Bodine falls for Rachel Munro who is trapped in a violent marriage. After shooting her husband, Kyle relucantly agrees to help hide the body, but Kyle's partner is showing an unusual flair for finding clues.Casts of China Moon:
Ed Harris, Madeleine Stowe, Charles Dance, Patricia Healy, Benicio del Toro, Tim Powell, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Larry Shuler, Robb Edward Morris, Paul DarbyFind Out About China Moon
The porcelain prince and princess.China Moon is directed by John Bailey and written by Roy Carlson. It stars Ed Harris, Madeleine Stowe, Benicio del Toro, Charles Dance and Patricia Healy. Music is by George Fenton and cinematography by Willy Kurant.
To be kind since China Moon is a very good film in its own right, that is for lovers of film noir and its off shoot neo-noir, it's a film where its only crime is not being as great as previous instalments of noirs classic era and neo. Story treads deliciously familiar ground, where Harris' intrepid cop falls deep for Stowe's sultry babe and before he can say " I would do anything for you", he's in it up to his neck.
In true noir fashion there's a twisty road to be navigated, nothing is as it at first seems, with hidden agendas, shifty shenanigans and emotional turmoil all playing a hand. The police procedural aspect intrigues greatly, with the devilish kicker of Harris investigating himself, while the intricacies of crime investigation - such as bullet science - is not given short shrift.
As a mood piece it scores high, the sweaty Florida settings ripe for Bailey (a cinematographer by trade) to mix a bit of poetic ambiance with misty shimmers, rainy bleakness and colour coded criminality that's not detrimental to true noir essence. Perfs are from the higher end of the scale, and the makers add enough original touches of their own so as to not let this become a pointless retread.
Closing superbly with a double whammy finale, China Moon is one that film noir lovers should sample. 7/10
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