Once Bitten Movies uTorrent 720p Without Downloading Streaming Online
Movie Definition
Title: Once Bitten- Released: 1985-11-15
- Genre: Horror, Comedy, Romance
- Date: 1985-11-15
- Runtime: 94 Minutes
- Company: Night Light Films
- Language: English
- Budget: $3,200,000
- Revenue: $10,000,000
- Plot Keyword : Horror, Comedy, Romance
- Homepage:
- Trailer: Video Trailer
- Director: Adam Greenberg, Gene Rudolf, John Du Prez, Jerie Kelter, Jill M. Ohanneson, Marc Grossman, Howard Storm, Robert Howland, Vivian McRae
Storyline Once Bitten (1985):
Mark wants to lose his virginity, but his girlfriend wants to wait. Unfortunately for both of them, a 400-year-old vampire Countess needs to turn a virgin into a vampire before Halloween in order to preserve her own youthful appearance, and when she finds Mark, she turns his life upside-down.Casts of Once Bitten:
Jim Carrey, Lauren Hutton, Karen Kopins, Cleavon Little, Thomas Ballatore, Skip Lackey, Jeb Stuart Adams, Joseph Brutsman, Stuart Charno, Dominick BrasciaLearn More About Once Bitten
This early Jim Carrey vehicle combines the vampire fad with the typical 1980's sex comedy to make for a fun-but-silly vampire farce. Lauren Hutton works well as the vamping vampire, while Cleavon Little plays a flaming homosexual variation of the Renfield archetype to her blatantly sexual Countess.Carrey plays this one relatively straight. No crazy Ace Ventura antics here. His transformation from typical "teenager" to brooding, angsty vampire is punctuated with moments of manic comedy as he realizes what's happening to him. Like many 80s comedies, the climax features a choreographed dance number and a good old fashioned chase scene through the vampire's home. Though certainly not the deepest or most innovative movie you'll ever see, Once Bitten is a fun romp that showcases the talents of its stars in a delightfully cheeseball 1980s way.
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