Hills of Home Movie 123Movies Blu-ray Without Download Stream Online
Storyline Hills of Home (1948):
William McClure is the villlage doctor in a remote Scottish glen. Tricked into buying Lassie, a collie afraid of water, he sets about teaching her to swim. At the same time he has the bigger problem that he is getting older and must ensure the glen will have a new local doctor ready.Casts of Hills of Home:
Edmund Gwenn, Donald Crisp, Tom Drake, Janet Leigh, Rhys Williams, Alan Napier, Reginald Owen, Edmund Breon, PalMovie Element
Title: Hills of Home- Released: 1948-11-25
- Genre: Family, Adventure, Action, Drama
- Date: 1948-11-25
- Runtime: 97 Minutes
- Company: Loew's Incorporated, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
- Language: English
- Budget:
- Revenue:
- Plot Keyword : Family, Adventure, Action, Drama
- Homepage:
- Trailer: Video Trailer
- Director: Fred M. Wilcox, Eric Knight, Charles E. Wallace, Herbert Stothart, William Ludwig, Ian Maclaren
Learn More About Hills of Home
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